Privacy Policy for Plantmoney

Last updated: 17/09/2023


Welcome to Plantmoney. This privacy policy outlines our commitment to protecting your personal information and your right to privacy.

Information We Collect

While using Plantmoney, we do not actively collect any specific personal data. However, through Google Analytics and Mixpanel, we collect generic usage data to better understand user behavior and improve the overall user experience. This may include data about app usage, device type, and other non-personally identifiable information.

Use of Google Analytics and Mixpanel

Plantmoney utilizes both Google Analytics and Mixpanel for tracking and reporting app usage.

Google Analytics: A web analytics service offered by Google, it helps us understand our users better and enhance the app based on user behavior. Google Analytics may use cookies to analyze user interactions with the app. The information generated (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. You can opt-out of Google Analytics with Google’s opt-out browser add-on.

Mixpanel: A powerful analytics tool that tracks user interactions with web and mobile applications. Mixpanel collects data about how users navigate through the app, which features they use, and how often they use them. This information helps us understand user behavior, optimize app performance, and improve user experience. To learn more about what data Mixpanel collects and how it’s used, you can refer to Mixpanel’s Privacy Policy.

How We Use Your Information

We use the information we collect or receive, such as generic usage data, to analyze user behavior and improve the Plantmoney experience.

Sharing of Information

Plantmoney does not share or sell any user data. However, we do share generic data with Google Analytics and Mixpanel for analytical purposes. We prioritize user privacy and data security.

Cookies and Tracking Technologies

Plantmoney uses Google Analytics and Mixpanel, both of which may employ cookies or similar tracking technologies to analyze app usage. This helps us provide a more refined user experience. Users can take measures to opt-out from being tracked by Google Analytics and can refer to Mixpanel’s documentation for details on its tracking mechanisms and opt-out options.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this privacy policy or our data handling practices, please contact us.